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Zithabeziningi Makhoba

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  • I'm struggling to get pak file for The Punisher and Nick Fury game, after extracting the game file pak folder contains files that are only compatible with windows, anyine who can help me with the one for android phone please guys🙏 thank you🙏
    did the files you downloaded contain a .pak file?

    if they did, just download openbor for android, paste the .pak file in your androids paks folder and play
    if the download does not have a pak file, yu need to use the packer tools to create a pak file
    Zithabeziningi Makhoba
    Zithabeziningi Makhoba
    Thank you so much, Steven already sent me a pak file, the one I was trying was for windows only, but now I'm sorted, thank you so much😍
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