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Resources by O Ilusionista

Mega Man - Robot Master Mayhem O Ilusionista
Who's the top bot? There's only one way to find out. Charge up your weapons and come out fighting!
Battle Stormer Classics O Ilusionista
Old school platform boss rush. Choose a classic fighter and let the boss bashing begin!
Random palettes for stages O Ilusionista
Have stages with different palettes every time you play
Pocket Dimensional Clash 2 O Ilusionista
Super deformed styled beat-em-up combining characters from multiple worlds.
Advanced Palette Tool tutorial O Ilusionista
A powerful tool to work with palettes for both Mugen and OpenBOR
Ripping From MAME O Ilusionista
How to extract sprites and tiles from MAME.
MAME Cheats for Sprite Ripping O Ilusionista
An easy way to rip sprites from MAME games
How To Start On OpenBOR O Ilusionista
A collection of useful information to get started with OpenBOR
Parallax Interpolation O Ilusionista
Build stages with beautiful parallax scrolling effects.
Custom Win Quotes O Ilusionista
Learn how to add custom win quotes vs. specific opponents.
Fighter Factory Studio O Ilusionista
Full featured development studio for Mugen and other sprite based engines.
Damage All Enemies On Screen O Ilusionista
Scripted "smartbomb" to hit everyone and their dog!
Check For Entity and Change Animation O Ilusionista
Look for a specific entity on screen and change animation accordingly.
Complete Mugen Stage Tutorial O Ilusionista
Complete walkthrough for creating stages int he Mugen engine.
Automatic Stage Creation Tool O Ilusionista
Cybaster's amazing Mugen tool which makes stages on a breeze
Kirby the Dream Battle O Ilusionista
A versus fight with Kirby characters + guests
Selective Transparency O Ilusionista
Add a smart (selective/interactive) transparency effect to foreground objects.
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