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Samples and Tutorials

Tutorials, script packages, and demonstration modules for use in OpenBOR projects.

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3D Sprite Stacking msmalik681
Try out sprite stacking techniques to give objects a 3D look.
Anaglyph Demo DCurrent
Using subscreens to create a stereoscopic 3D effect.
Animated Background Layers DCurrent
Learn how to insert background animations without using models.
Bitshift Encoding DCurrent
Encode two or more values into a single integer.
Bloodbane's Simple Scripts (re-upload) Bloodbane
Collection of easy to import script functions.
BOR CVS Template Scarlet Lupercalia
BOR CVS Template 2023-09-24
Rocket Viper/Rescue Command-styled template module.
Boss Select Bloodbane
Megaman style boss select system
Check For Entity and Change Animation O Ilusionista
Look for a specific entity on screen and change animation accordingly.
Continue Bug Patch DCurrent
Fix continue bug in latest offical OpenBOR.exe and adds variable countdown time.
CPU Partner Menu Kratus
A scripted menu made on OpenBOR used to spawn CPU Partners in-game.
Create pre rendered stylized stage elements from scratch.
Custom Main Menu Kratus
A simple script made on OpenBOR used to customize the main menu position/size
Custom Pause Menu Kratus
A simple script made on OpenBOR used to customize the pause menu options
Daimao Cancel System Piccolo
Advanced cancel system to create combos for all entity types (player, enemy, etc.).
Damage All Enemies On Screen O Ilusionista
Scripted "smartbomb" to hit everyone and their dog!
DC D20 DCurrent
DC D20 3.1
Randomized number generator for OpenBOR Script.
DC Instance DCurrent
OOP in OpenBOR? No problem. Required instance control for most other DC script packages.
Debugging Collision and Range DCurrent
Use OpenBOR's built in debug functions to see range and collision boxes live on screen.
Enter Name + Hi-Scores + Stage Completed White Dragon
Use these libs to insert own custom Enter Name + Hi-Score + Stage Completed Screen in your game.
Entity Enumeration DCurrent
Taking actions on mutiple entities at once.
Extract Photoshop Animation To Frames DCurrent
Quickly export photoshop animation frames to sprites for use in projects.
How To Start On OpenBOR O Ilusionista
A collection of useful information to get started with OpenBOR
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