BonusJZ's fangame Night Slashers X, with a cast update and tons of modifications by @oldyz and LifeofFinale. Make sure you try the first Night Slashers X, then give this one a run. The project is completed from a playability standpoint, but is still in active development with more updates coming soon.
Changes and additions:
Changes and additions:
- Widescreen support.
- Four player support.
- Dodge maneuver.
- Music fixes.
- Updated to support later iterations of OpenBOR.
- Minor issues grappling.
- Possible to get stuck (soft locked) in some levels. Press start - exit, close the engine completely, start it again, choose continue.
- Some characters may hard lock the game if they "land on their feet" when they have 0 health (very rare).
Or try to get me on contact w the core developer, se games needs special openbor cored