### BETA 29 ###
- Game: Added SOR2 Blaze.
- Game: Added a fade effect in the k.o./dmg/hit information based on the combo countdown for when the chain is about to end.
- Game: Minor fix in SOR2 Axel rage animation.
- Game: Minor fix in some character's sprites.
- Game: Minor fix in some character's grabbing attacks.
- Game: Removed transparent front layers in some levels, since it's used in the classics to hide items.
- Game: Added extra score if players pick up food with full health.
- Game: Minor fix in SOR3 Axel's aerial special to connect hits more efficiently.
- Game: New unlockable option SOR3 St7 Classic, used to jump directly to the Neo X factory if the General is saved at the stage 6.
- Game: Changed some option names in the game settings.
- Game: Reduced the grab range in the Z axis a bit for some bosses.
- Game: SOR1 Galsia update, disabled grabs if he is holding a weapon, like in the original.
- Game: Now for Arcade/Survival modes, the default characters will be based on the route selected.
- Game: Minor fix in the wall/screen-edge jumping not working if the cancelling system is enabled.
- Game: Changed the command to use the wall/screen-edge jumping, now it works by simply holding the opposite direction while jumping.
- Game: Reduced the wall/screen edge bouncing velocity a bit.
- Game: Yamato update, changed the double slash down/up from a energy star move to special move.
- Game: Max update, minor "bouncing" effect adjustment in the "grabbing up" attack.
- Game: Minor translation adjustment in the command list.
- Game: Minor fix in the SOR2 stage 8 elevator stucking at Mr. X after defeating the first enemies before Shiva.
- Game: Fixed the "zombie" bug, which sometimes causes them to "revive" after death with 1 health and are impossible to be killed again.
- Game: Reduced OTG points from 2 to 1, which means that now it's only possible to perform an OTG attack 1 time instead of 2 times.
- Game: SOR2 Axel minor damage reduction in the rage attack while using a sword
- Game: SOR2 Axel minor damage addition in the counter attack
- Game: SOR2 Axel changes, moved counter attack to grab up attack and added the GG special as a counter attack
- Game: SOR3 Blaze update, improved rage attack effects, increased collision box size and reduced damage a bit.
- Game: SOR2/SOR3 Axel minor delay adjustment for sword special.
- Game: Now the counter attack can be used freely (with energy stars) without needing to block an attack, the defender's "freeze" time advantage still works when an attack is blocked.
- Game: Minor fix in Zan's throw/slam which cause crashes while holding a weapon with a energy ball.
- Game: Removed the implacable march cheat.
- Game: Minor fix in all aerial specials while cancelling.
- Game: Fixed the block damage happening even when infinite health cheat is enabled.
- Game: Readded the wall/screen vertical jumping if the jump button is pressed.
- Game: Minor fix in the toxic gas damage at SOR3 st6a, disabled when infinite health cheat is on.
- Game: Minor background improvements in the levels sor1 st1a and sor1 st7a.
- Game: Added collision to the pepper spray when thrown.
- Game: Minor fix in the collision sound for baseball bats according to the route.
- Game: Reworked the cpu partner's aggression scale, increasing the distance between lower and higher aggression values.
- Game: Increased the cpu partner reaction a bit.
- Game: Minor translation fixes.
- Game: SOR3 st6a update, now the general will disappear when saved.
- Game: Fixed some front layers in a few levels not affected by the quake effect.
### BETA 28 ###
- Game: Added SOR2 Axel.
- Game: Now both "endurance/route change" options will disable each other when enabled.
- Game: Counter attack's delay increased, making it easier to perform.
- Game: Max update, now both rage/super will last longer, allowing it to hit easier.
- Game: Minor sprite fixes in some characters.
- Game: Minor sprite fixes in some weapon models.
- Game: Minor script cleanup.
- Game: Minor improvement in music options, now will be immediately replayed if the style is changed (for the bgm option it's available only at the main menu).
- Game: Minor improvement in Robot X missile "chasing" behaviour.
- Game: Minor fix in some sound scripts.
- Game: Minor fix in the route change script, preventing empty/invalid route values which cause crashes.
- Game: Added a routine to check for invalid entries in some save files and load defaults if it's necessary.
- Game: Minor fix in the super armor during rage attacks, should resist at least the first hit.
- Game: Sammy update, added a blitz attack using a knife.
- Game: Now police calls will damage enemies if they are grabbing players before starting any throw/slam move.
- Game: Made some game settings changes in a few option names for better understanding.
- Game: Minor fix in some energy commands to prevent accidental usage.
- Game: Minor fix in the "safe landing" feature, which can make characters ungrabbable after landing.
- Game: Block system adjustment, the guard points will be subtracted based on the full damage and not only 1/4, preventing from blocking attacks forever.
- Game: Minor fix in Neo. X bomb countdown, now it will freeze as soon as the boss dies.
- Game: Minor "forward special" improvements, now it's easier to perform when grabbing an opponent.
- Game: Minor "back attack" improvements, now it's easier to flip the character when connecting with a combo.
- Game: Minor fix in some wall positions in sor1 st7a (elevator).
### BETA 27 ###
- Game: Allow more variations for "doubled" enemies (instead of only Galsia/Donovan) for 3-4 players or 2x enemies.
- Game: Increased the max group limit from 4 to 5 in most spawn points in the SOR1/2/3 routes.
- Game: Minor adjustments in some fire effects.
- Game: Minor adjustments in SOR3 Electra's palette.
- Game: Minor fixes in the "external folder" music scripts.
- Game: Minor fixes in some "fall" animations.
- Game: Added centiseconds to gas/bomb countdown.
- Game: Fixed a bug in which allow playable enemies to pick up the baseball bat.
### BETA 26 ###
- Engine: Fixed some translations
- Engine: Fixed the health cheat affecting throw/slams against enemies, should work only for players.
- Game: Minor falling barrel position adjustment in sor3 st3a.
- Game: Minor elevator position fix in sor3 st3c.
- Game: Shortened the Sammy's jump rage initial delay a bit to hit better.
- Game: Minor adjustment in the range detection for McBride/Maclean/Macleod.
- Game: Fixed the cop call bug that causes abnormal effects when called at the end of any level.
- Game: Disabled cop call in bike stages.
- Game: Disabled cop calls damage on enemies during throws/slams.
- Game: Minor fix in helicopter's sprite.
- Game: Mr. X update, added a random taunt when players are knocked out.
- Game: Mr. X update, added the cigar animation like BK2.
- Game: Hastened the slow motion effect during boss deaths.
- Game: Fixed the music style bug which plays the selected bgm option track when changed.
- Game: Minor layer fix in SOR3 Shiva at stage 7d.
- Game: Shortened the bike stage at sor3 st7a, less barrels and less Donovan knives.
- Game: Minor fix in the pause menu to show correctly the player who paused it.
- Game: Minor effect update in damage pop-ups.
- Game: Increased the rush combo time from 1 to 2 seconds.
- Game: Added some effects to the rush combo counter.
- Game: Minor player spawn fix in sor2 st2b.
- Game: Added the "fast combo" feature present in the original SOR3 when the attack button is fastly pressed, need SOR3 combo type selected (all characters except Jet and Break).
- Game: Minor fixes in some Barbon sprites.
- Game: Guard system update, fixed the damage formula for both block/parry types.
- Game: Guard system update, reduced the damage to 1/4 of the real damage in the block system, parry remains the same with zero damage.
- Game: Disabled the X axis velocity (enemies) during the screen edge bouncing at the sor3 st3c (falls in the hole easier).
- Game: Fixed falling opponents causing throw/slam to change obstacles facing direction wrongly.
- Game: Minor fixes in the enemy A.I. related to range check routine.
- Game: Changed some boss death explosions to non lethal (Yamato/Neo X).
- Game: Many fixes in all "rounded type" shadows.
- Game: Now the game adds +1 extra health bar for bosses at each additional player.
- Game: Added "double bosses" for all routes instead of only SOR1, works for 3-4 players or if the "enemy amount" option is changed.
- Game: Added two new "enemy amount" options, 2x enemies and 2x bosses (one will disable another in this case).
- Game: Added a fade effect when a level starts, similar to the original SOR2/SOR3.
- Game: SOR2 Jack update, changed the spawn animation at sor2 st1a, replicated the original.
- Game: SOR3 Shiva update, changed the spawn animation at sor3 st1c, replicated the original.
- Game: Increased the health amount a bit for the Yamato clones in sor3 st4c boss fight.
- Game: Reduced the Jet/Rocket amount in sor2 st6b and sor3 st6g, replaced by the doubled boss instead.
### BETA 25 ###
- Engine-General: Updated the build version to the latest, fixed minor issues.
- Game: Added all remaining weapons (Baseball Bat, Bottle, Grenade and Pepper Spray), wood plank not added due to redundancy with baseball bat and pipe.
- Game: Now grenades thrown by enemies (Fog) can be picked up by heroes and thrown again (SOR2 route).
- Game: Small fixes in some weapon models.
- Game: Minor fix in some blink effects.
- Game: Replaced Adam's jumping attack.
- Game: Minor music feature added, now when changing the style will be replayed instantly.
- Game: Removed the "escape move" scale for certain bosses like Abadede, now hard/mania has the same rate as the normal difficulty.
- Game: Minor fix in the super armor feature, which activates in wrong moments and doesn't show the green effect.
- Game: Now players can use blocks while moving if the dodge type option is sor3/bk3/off.
- Game: Now the canceling system doesn't affect rage moves anymore, only running/jumping attacks and special moves.
- Game: Fixed the issue that allows cops to damage non-active Yamato brothers in the background.
- Game: Minor sprite fix for Souther when slammed.
- Game: Minor sprite updates for Adam (dodge), SOR1 Jack (rise) and SOR1 Galsia.
- Game: Enemy A.I. update, now they will try to surround players instead of always avoiding only in the X axis.
- Game: Disabled health recovery in some elevators when the level starts, the recovery during the SOR2 st8b progress was maintained.
- Game: Added a blitz move for Adam when holding a Baseball Bat and Pipe, same as when holding a Sword.
- Game: Added a blitz move for Axel when holding a Pipe, same as the original bk3/sor3.
- Game: Added a blitz move and front special for Sammy, both when holding a Pipe/Bat same as the original bk3/sor3.
- Game: Added jumping attack for Max using sword, same as pipe/bat.
- Game: Updated some MaestroDraven tracks, replaced the SOR1 Intro music.
- Game: Added SOR1 Bongo, sprite made over on the BKM version.
- Game: Juggle revision for enemies/bosses, some attacks don't hit if players are in the air (restored old juggle limit).
- Game: Realigned all obstacle's collision boxes according to the platform's size.
- Game: Added a spin animation for all weapons when dropped by characters.
- Game: Improved weapons behaviour when falling and hitting ground.
- Game: Added a new main menu music by MaestroDraven and Iceferno.
- Game: SOR3 st3b update, reduced the bulldozer speed a bit, reduced the wall's health too.
- Game: Added a new unlockable option to disable bike levels.
- Game: Health rebalance of both Vehelits and Dr. Zero robot arm.
- Game: Fixed the turbo key to select a character when joining in an in-progress game.
- Game: Minor spawn adjustments in all routes.
- Game: Minor explosion collision adjustment.
- Game: Reduced all Galsia's juggle ability a bit during knife blitz.
- Game: Revised all blitz moves used by enemies/cpu partners preventing some weird a.i. movements.
- Game: Fixed the helicopter's script used to resize the sprite during the attack animation when the vsync is enabled.
- Game: Pause menu update, now it shows which player paused the game, plus lock any key for the others.
- Game: New game settings option, allow to turn off hud completely at "features/show info" option.
- Game: Minor fix in the rain spawn script.
- Game: Minor health adjustment for Big-Ben (SOR2 AND 3).
- Game: Minor levels sprite fixes.
- Game: Bike stage updates, minor fixes in some Donovan knife animations and reduced enemy biker's health.
- Game: "Stage Complete screen" update, now it shows the player's lives.
- Game: Added a new DOT system based on colors to show health in a minimalist style.
- Game: Minor fix in all conveyor layer's issues, which sometimes show entities behind others wrongly.
- Game: Rebalanced regular enemies health scale.
- Game: Updated the classic lifebar style, now the enemies life bar will change size according to current health.
- Game: Minor HUD adjustment.
- Game: Applied the same Bongo weight effect to SOR3 Big-Ben to match the classics, SOR2 version remains the same but the gravity was increased a bit.
- Game: Minor SOR2 special cost update, now there's no health lost when hitting obstacles same as the original.
- Game: Expanded the amount of situations where the cop missile will hit enemies, including during rage moves, throw/slams, blitz attacks.
- Game: Fixed SOR2 special cost subtraction for cpu partners in some situations.
- Game: Fixed SOR4 special health recovery, now it will not work for blocked hits.
- Game: Revised the guard system, guardpoints refill rate was halved and now it's a bit slower.
- Game: Revised the guard system, cheap damage and guard bar costs are now 1/2 of the real damage ("block" option), float values converted to decimal (i.e. 1.5 damage is 1).
- Game: Revised the guard system, parry delay window increased a bit, now it's easier to use.
- Game: Adjusted the cpu partner's follow range in x/z axis to 80/40px.
- Game: Stage Complete screen update, now the start button can skip it immediately.
- Game: Made some fixes in the endurance mode.
- Game: Minor fixes in sound effect scripts.
- Game: Added fire sprites when characters are burning.
- Game: Minor fix in some obstacle animations.
- Game: Minor fix in the SOR3 Jet smoke effect position during rage fireball.
- Game: Minor fix in the SOR3 Jet offset.
- Game: Fixed Fog animation changes at SOR2 st2b (sometimes they are stuck).
- Game: Fixed 1up item at SOR3 st7c (Sammy can't pick it up).
- Game: Fixed breakable weapon counter when an attack is blocked (should not count).
- Game: Made all normal attacks cancelable with special moves (before it was allowed only during the last combo attack).
- Game: Minor fix in the cop call explosion damaging Fog grenadiers outside of the Z range (should not hit)
- Game: Added a option to change the main menu music
- Game: Updated the played time format to save space in the screen
- Game: Changed the bomb/gas countdown chronometers, now is shown in numbers instead of progress bars
- Game: Blaze updates, reduced the front special damage, increased the default combo damage, increased the front slam damage
- Game: Onihime updates, increased the aerial slam damage
- Game: Sammy updates, increased the default combo damage, increased the front kick/head punches grab attacks damage
- Game: Minor select screen update, added some movements to background and portrait.
- Game: Fixed the loading system, which can cause lags during some levels.
- Game: Minor fix in the rain effect.
- Game: Minor translation fixes.
- Game: Disabled timer for the intro cutscene in the main menu and hi-score screens.
- Game: Sammy update, added a new ground rage move with horizontal movement, (the aerial version remains the same).
- Game: Fixed some cancel moves not working.
- Game: Minor fix in some menu sounds.
- Game: SOR3 Jet update, added single fireball attack.
- Game: SOR3 Neo. X update, added single missile attack.
- Game: Minor fix in some wall scripts.
- Game: Minor fix in Yamato spawn effect.
- Game: Minor fix in burn/shock effects.
Credits to:
- MaestroDraven and Iceferno for the new menu soundtrack
- @seahorses (SOR1 Bongo, new Sammy rage and many sprite adjustments)
- @Mr.Hunter (many sprite adjustments for enemies and Adam)
### BETA 24 ###
- Game: Minor fix in the game setting's preset "warning" text, it was not appearing on Android
### BETA 23 ###
- Game: Fixed some wrong name positions in the select screen for 2p/4p in all game modes
- Game: Minor burning effect fix for cop call explosion and some script organization
- Game: Minor fix in the cop call counter
- Game: Added a confirmation step before applying presets in the game settings and before clearing the hi-score
- Game: Minor HUD adjustments
- Game: Minor adjustments in the loading system, increase the memory usage but prevent some possible crashes
- Game: Reduced the toxic gas damage from 10 to 2 in the SOR3 stage 6
- Game: Decreased the "escape move" rate for all bosses a bit, changed the Souther escape attack
- Game: Minor adjustment on SOR2 enemies death voices to match the classics
- Game: Minor spawn adjustment in SOR2 st2b
- Game: Minor improvements in SOR2 st2c background, disabled platform interaction for Jet boss during spawn animation
- Game: Increased the Sammy's head punch damage a bit in the last hit
### BETA 22 ###
- Game: Changed the cop call command, now can be done by holding attack and pressing extra button (or pressing extra button directly if configured in the settings)
- Game: Added a new "rage command" option to choose between some predefined options (energy button, energy+special or qcf+energy)
- Game: Minor icon and HUD adjustments, default to 17x17 same as in the select screen
- Game: Minor grab distance adjustment for bosses, increased Z range but decreased X range a bit to match the classics
- Game: Minor fix in the helicopter explosion movement in all bike stages
- Game: Minor fix in the cpu partner "ok" bar code to show correctly in the screen
- Game: Disabled the "select" button inside the command list
- Game: Added a few more exceptions for the SOR1 Bongo weight system (Adam/Blaze front slam and Max pile)
### BETA 20 ###
- Game: Minor fix in the "route change" option when selecting the SOR3 route, avoid bike stages in Rebellion/Partner modes
- Game: Changed the cop call button combination, now can be made by holding attack and pressing special (replaced the alternative rage command)
- Game: Added "rage" as a new extra button option
### BETA 19 ###
- Game: Small fix in the energy stars option which wrongly refills during respawn/join in a game