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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rescue Palooza

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rescue Palooza 1.1.5

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First it was April. Then Splinter. After that a few landmarks. This time, Shredder has gone all out. Everyone you ever (or never) heard of from the TMNT universe is held captive, and it's up to you to get them back! Roam an open world, and free "everyone you ever cared about". As you progress, you'll gain new playable allies and enemies to try out.

Grab three friends for some true turtle togetherness four player co-op!

First release
Last update


4.77 star(s) 13 ratings

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  1. 1.1.5

    Updated stage access values. Removed "Join in" screen in Story Mode.

Latest reviews

Overall, this is a high-quality game. Thank you to the creator for providing such an nice experience.

1、Faithfully recreates a wealth of classic content from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games and animation, with fun adaptations.
2、Features a wide variety of level designs.
3、Offers a large roster of unlockable characters related to TMNT.

1、Z-axis hitbox issues – All characters have shadows of the same size, but their actual hitboxes vary significantly. For instance, the Bosses often have Z-axis attack hitboxes larger than their shadows, leading to some frustration for new players.
2、Too many playable characters, some unsuitable for tougher levels – While it might seem unfair to demand balance in a fan game, this does pose a problem. In later stages featuring Krang, the game autosaves at the start. If players pick a novelty character for fun, they may find themselves repeatedly losing lives with no way to recover, even by reloading.
3、Final stage too long with no mid-level checkpoint – The series of intense boss fights can feel overwhelming for first-time players. Dying means replaying the entire stage from the beginning, which can be frustrating.
4、Insufficient resources and limited prep time between scenes – After defeating a miniboss, just as low health player s're about to grab a pizza to recover, the game abruptly transitions to the next scene, leaving no chance to restock.
One of the best OpenBOR games!
The sheer amount of content and effort put into this work of love...this reminded me why i love "fangames" so much and singlehandedly revived my interest in OpenBOR. An incredibly extensive roster, creative bonus stages, stages with different styles of gameplay. This games oozes quality.
If you love the classic NES TMNT games, the toyline, and an overall incredible demonstratin of what can be done with OpenBOR and just how good a passionately and caringly made fangame can be, you can't afford to miss this one.
This game plays perfectly is what I would consider to be a love letter to the first three NES games.
A love letter to the franchise, written by someone who loves the franchise, and that you can tell thanks to the attention to detail - and easter eggs!

One of those games that shows what the engine is capable of and that doesn't look like a fab, but a commercial game.

It has a difficulty that can be quite high in some cases, so it's more fun to play in co-op mode.
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