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Anyone have an Ouya and like it?


Active member
I'm saving up for one, but I'm not sure. I already have a Wii with Homebrew Channel, an Android device, and a hacked PSP. So I'm pretty covered on the emulation scene.

The only reason I would buy an Ouya is for its' PSP and DS emulator (I always prefer console to handheld) and its exclusive games. Are there any games you guys really like? Is the controller good?

Is it worth $99?
i had to skip my ouya because of brazilian taxes
the console $99 will cost to me around $300 with all taxes

but if i had a chance to get one i think it worth, its possible to use ps3 controller on it, also xbox wired controller too
i saw on youtube one guy using one usb hub and use lots of pen drives at the same time plus xbox wired controller and one ouya controller and the ps3 controller

so with a 7 ports usb hub you can have one pen drive for each system roms you want or if the roms are too big you can use an external hd
i wish to had one i think it seems to be the best all in one retro game device
rafhot said:
i had to skip my ouya because of brazilian taxes
the console $99 will cost to me around $300 with all taxes

That is absolute bullcrap. I'm really sorry. :-\

I think I've seen that exact same video, actually. It looked a bit ghetto rigged with all those thumb drives connected, but I'm sure it did the trick quite well.

Maybe I'll pick one up once the PSP emulator is updated again. It can already play games like FF7: Crisis Core in full speed. But games like Phantasy Star Portable and 2D Tales games are on the slow side. Anyone have an Ouya and want to test a few PSP titles for me? :P
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