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Avengers United Battle Force

In Progress Avengers United Battle Force 2.7.41

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The project is currently under development.
Great updates!
I think forklift would be cooler if it carries an enemy in front (like in Vendetta)

- Guard now actually...guards

Although it looks great, I believe Guard technically holds shield in front of him so instead of giving BLOCK animation, you should bind an invisible entity which acts as shield.

- Each char has a new unique icon. And looks, Hawkeye has a fan, lol

LOL! Poor Captain! :D
I think forklift would be cooler if it carries an enemy in front (like in Vendetta)
Hum, nice idea, I will make the enemy jump from it.
Btw, the forklift hits everyone who is in front, even the enemies. I like those kind of dumb enemies, lol

Although it looks great, I believe Guard technically holds shield in front of him so instead of giving BLOCK animation, you should bind an invisible entity which acts as shield.

I was using a utunnels' code to make him block while walking, but on the original game the chars just blocks when you attack it. And I make him block a lot, like those lizards on GA2

Btw, new chars are joining the party: Black Knight and Beast

Doom had done a wondeful job with Black Knight!
I wonder which char base Doom used for Black Knight, O. Hee hee hee. Also, he resized Beast into a C&TA style?
O Ilusionista said:
Btw, new chars are joining the party: Black Knight and Beast

Doom had done a wondeful job with Black Knight!
My god, and what about Beast?, if you don't know about the X-Men SNES game, you can't say is a resize of it, he looks awesome.
yeah, some games can be resized and the result is still very cool. But the colors makes all the magic, it really seams to be an official sprite :)

I am working on Hawkeye (he needs more love) and started the hyper moves. I often took milk from the stones, so lets the fun begins :)
O Ilusionista said:
yeah, some games can be resized and the result is still very cool. But the colors makes all the magic, it really seams to be an official sprite :)
Absolutely. Can't wait to see Hulk.
Hulk would be a problem, because I don't like the SNES graphics (his hands are deformed) and the Genesis sprites clashes too much...
Yeah, that one. I will make some tests.
But probabily I won't make a Banner mode.

edit: its...meh.

Another test, but needs a lot of work
O Ilusionista said:
Yeah, that one. I will make some tests.
But probabily I won't make a Banner mode.

edit: its...meh.

Another test, but needs a lot of work
Is not too bad but needs more tweaking. Make it a bit taller and darker.

Have you tried resizing CPS2 MHS version?
O Ilusionista said:
The result is terrible, because it lacks dark borders and misses very much details.
I will make a try with the other Hulk.
Well, I didn't like that sprite before, but now I think it fits with the other characters, so with more tweaking should be fine.
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