4 players,
i managed to successfully pull it off for NSX wide, some things had to be added to existing scripts to make all 4 players fully playable, so i suggest you tackle the wide-screen conversion first & then take a look on how to adapt NSX wide's fixes, another thing you can do is to see other 4 player modules & see how their stuff works too.
It will all depend mostly on adding some lines on any scripts that deal with players present...
Widescreen -
yes you have to edit your video.txt file like this:
video 480x240
ColourDepth 16bit
this resolution makes sprites look smaller, if the aspect ratio is forced tho, actual 16 by 9 ratio looks better
video 426x240
ColourDepth 16bit
,but may be incompatible with the wii & who knows if it causes trouble with the android version of openbor
after this , you will nee to edit every level to shift some things
you may want download the NIghtslashers X wide mod and study it a bit
old version has less size , new version 21C has lots of notes
- basically you have to add/subtract to the original 4:3 coordinates
take a look at this for comparison
loadingbg data/scenes/lvs/1 1 1000 1000 1 1000 1000
music data/music/lv1.bor 1996221
notime 1
settime 0
background data/bgs/lv1/back1
bglayer data/bgs/lv1/back2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 5 5 1 0
bglayer data/bgs/lv1/back2 0.4 0.4 0 0 0 0 5 5 1 0
fglayer data/bgs/lv1/f3 2 -0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
fglayer data/bgs/lv1/f4 2 -0.5 0 1100 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
panel data/bgs/lv1/a1
panel data/bgs/lv1/a1b
order ab
direction both
spawn1 160 35 0
spawn2 140 55 0
wall 1585 253 -50 -50 20 45 50 1000
wall 1579 253 0 0 1000 1000 30 1000
wall 1966 155 -10 10 1000 1000 30 1000
#levelscript data/bgs/lv1/lv1.c
load lv1p 1
load tlk0c 1
load jsn 1
load Ghoul3 1
load dog 1
load dog2 1
shadowalpha 2
at 0
light 256 33
at 0
spawn stop
flip 1
coords 160 130
at 0
spawn lv1p
flip 1
coords 1550 232
at 0
spawn grit
coords 5 240
at 0
spawn zombiea
coords 360 220
at 50
spawn dog2
coords 350 160
at 120
spawn zombie2a
coords 380 200
at 200
spawn zombie2
coords 200 160
at 250
spawn zombie2
coords -100 200
at 250
spawn zombie
coords 240 180
at 350
spawn zombie3
coords 380 200
at 420
spawn zombie3
coords -100 200
at 550
spawn barel
item itemr2
#item grit
coords 370 150
at 590
spawn barelex
coords 480 175
at 590
spawn barel
item zombie
coords 425 150
at 590
spawn zombie
flip 1
coords 180 200
at 650
spawn zombie2
coords 350 200
at 750
blockade 850
at 850
at 850
spawn zombie
coords 160 220
at 850
spawn zombie2
flip 1
coords 50 180
at 850
group 100 100
at 1000
spawn zombie2
coords 280 160
at 1050
spawn zombie2
coords 250 220
at 1150
spawn zombie
coords 240 180
at 1250
spawn zombie3
coords 380 200
at 1330
spawn zombie3
coords -100 200
at 1450
blockade 1524
at 1524
spawn jason
item money2
coords 350 180
at 1524
spawn jsn
coords 360 220
at 1620
spawn ghoul3
item money2
coords 320 160
at 1624
group 5 5
at 1800
spawn zombie3
coords -250 160
at 1800
spawn zombie2
coords -200 180
at 1800
spawn zombie
flip 1
coords 50 170
at 1800
spawn zombie3
coords -250 180
at 1800
spawn zombie2
coords -300 180
at 1800
spawn zombie
coords -200 160
at 1800
spawn dog
coords -300 160
at 1800
spawn zombie2
coords -150 150
at 1800
spawn zombie3
coords -250 160
at 1800
spawn zombie
coords -250 160
at 1800
group 1 1
at 1800
spawn tlk0c
coords 160 220
at 1800
group 100 100
at 1800
spawn zombie3
flip 1
coords -150 200
at 1800
spawn zombie2
flip 1
coords -100 160
at 1800
spawn zombie
flip 1
coords -200 160
at 1800
spawn zombie2
flip 1
item itemr
coords -150 160
at 1800
spawn zombie3
flip 1
coords -250 200
at 1800
spawn zombie2
flip 1
coords -300 160
at 1800
spawn zombie
flip 1
coords -300 160
at 1800
spawn zombie2
flip 1
coords -350 160
at 1800
loadingbg data/scenes/lvs/1 1 1000 1000 1 1000 1000
music data/music/lv1.bor 1996221
notime 1
settime 0
background data/bgs/lv1/back1
bglayer data/bgs/lv1/back2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 5 5 1 0
bglayer data/bgs/lv1/back2 0.4 0.4 0 0 0 0 5 5 1 0
fglayer data/bgs/lv1/f3 2 -0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
fglayer data/bgs/lv1/f4 2 -0.5 0 1100 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
panel data/bgs/lv1/a1
panel data/bgs/lv1/a1b
order ab
direction both
spawn1 160 35 0
spawn2 135 75 0
spawn3 200 60 0
spawn4 95 48 0
wall 1585 253 -50 -50 20 45 50 1000
wall 1579 253 0 0 1000 1000 30 1000
wall 1966 155 -10 10 1000 1000 30 1000
#levelscript data/bgs/lv1/lv1.c
load lv1p 1
load tlk0c 1
load jsn 1
load Ghoul3 1
load dog 1
load dog2 1
shadowalpha 2
at 0
light 256 33
at 0
spawn stop
flip 1
coords 160 130
at 0
spawn lv1p
flip 1
coords 1550 232
at 0
spawn grit
coords 5 240
at 0
spawn zombiea
coords 520 220
at -110
spawn dog2
coords 510 160
at -40
spawn zombie2a
coords 540 200
at 40
spawn zombie2
coords 360 160
at 90
spawn zombie2
coords -10 200
at 90
spawn zombie
coords 400 180
at 190
spawn zombie3
coords 540 200
at 260
spawn zombie3
coords -10 200
at 390
spawn barel
item itemr2
#item grit
coords 530 150
at 430
spawn barelex
coords 640 175
at 430
spawn barel
item zombie
coords 585 150
at 430
spawn zombie
flip 1
coords 340 200
at 490
spawn zombie2
coords 510 200
at 590
blockade 690
at 690
at 690
spawn zombie
coords 320 220
at 690
spawn zombie2
flip 1
coords 210 180
at 690
group 100 100
at 840
spawn zombie2
coords 440 160
at 890
spawn zombie2
coords 410 220
at 990
spawn zombie
coords 400 180
at 1090
spawn zombie3
coords 540 200
at 1170
spawn zombie3
coords -10 200
at 1290
blockade 1364
at 1364
spawn jason
item money2
coords 510 180
at 1364
spawn jsn
coords 520 220
at 1460
spawn ghoul3
item money2
coords 480 160
at 1464
group 5 5
at 1800
spawn zombie3
coords -90 160
at 1640
spawn zombie2
coords -40 180
at 1640
spawn zombie
flip 1
coords 210 170
at 1640
spawn zombie3
coords -90 180
at 1640
spawn zombie2
coords -140 180
at 1640
spawn zombie
coords -40 160
at 1640
spawn dog
coords -140 160
at 1640
spawn zombie2
coords -10 150
at 1640
spawn zombie3
coords -90 160
at 1640
spawn zombie
coords -90 160
at 1640
group 1 1
at 1800
spawn tlk0c
coords 320 220
at 1640
group 100 100
at 1800
spawn zombie3
flip 1
coords -10 200
at 1640
spawn zombie2
flip 1
coords -40 160
at 1640
spawn zombie
flip 1
coords -40 160
at 1640
spawn zombie2
flip 1
item itemr
coords -10 160
at 1640
spawn zombie3
flip 1
coords -90 200
at 1640
spawn zombie2
flip 1
coords -140 160
at 1640
spawn zombie
flip 1
coords -140 160
at 1640
spawn zombie2
flip 1
coords -190 160
at 1640
short version
16:9 or wide-screen
at 0
light 256 33
at 0
spawn stop
flip 1
coords 160 130
at 0
spawn lv1p
flip 1
coords 1550 232
at 0
spawn grit
coords 5 240
at 0
spawn zombiea
coords 520 220
at -110
spawn dog2
coords 510 160
at -40
at 0
light 256 33
at 0
spawn stop
flip 1
coords 160 130
at 0
spawn lv1p
flip 1
coords 1550 232
at 0
spawn grit
coords 5 240
at 0
spawn zombiea
coords 360 220
at 50
spawn dog2
coords 350 160
so basically you will add or subtract 160 (140 or 120 for 16:9) to most entities spawn coordinates - some on screen spawners may need scripting tricks or creative "at" numbers so they can match the 4:3 spots as much as you can ( barrels , obstacles)
if you are efficient you should be able to transform the module in about a month or 2, i can help solve some stuff you might get stuck with & don't obsess if a single character or object is not working right, just "cancel" the code using ## (i think) and leave notes under it with ## before it
some graphics will need expanding, some stage beginnigs might have to be shifted... but its no big deal.
One thing you might be able to feature is the option to play in 4:3 or 16 by 9 , the manual has some info on how to do it, but i was lazy & did not try it,
best part about this is that it may allow for 3 types of resolution, but you can think about that later
@Kratus 's latest engine is in his website, it used to be accesible trough his
his forum signature.
downloads section has version 7123 as a stand-alone download
Dynamic cutscenes reflect different things depending on what characters are in play, scores, etc
that would be the last thing to do...