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Beats of Rage

Complete Beats of Rage 1.0

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Site Owner, OpenBOR Project Leader
Staff member
Hard to believe the one that started it all didn't have a thread. I was pretty harsh in my review and I stand by it. I hated the original BOR as a game, and still do. I could never understood the hype for it in a world where Double Dragon, Final Fight, and Streets of Rage exist. If you just had to get your beat em' up fix with Neo-Geo assets, there was Sengoku 3.

Even the little things like character names irked me. Max Bacon? Mary Bluegard? Really? Kind of ironic I'm the lead dev for its successor. Good thing most of the world didn't agree with me, or we would never have OpenBOR! :)

The one game that started OpenBOR community and surprisingly we got some great games from it. But now I don't even like it as much but I will acknowledge it since if it wasn't Beats of Rage, OpenBOR would never cease to exist in the first place.
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