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Contra Locked and Loaded

Complete Contra : Locked 'N' Loaded 2

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Well-known member

This mod is an attempt to remake Contra, one of top classic games, with OpenBoR. It's not 100% remade but at least basic and important gameplay is remade

Modes: 3 missions, 1 locked mission & 1 locked boss rush mode

Soldiers : Bill Rizer, Brad Fang, Probotector, Sheena Etranzi, Mad Dog, Bahamut & Lucia

- Shoot in 8 direction
- Slide (no invincibility though)
- Platform drop (disabled in some levels)
- Free and fixed shooting mode
- Carry 2 weapons but only use one everytime

- Unable to climb walls
- Unable to hang to railing
- Unable to fire 2 weapons at same time

- 12 different weapons
- Health bar which gives 3 hit points for player
- Health item to restore health
- Motorbike mode
- Plenty pseudo travel levels both horizontal and vertical
- Challenging bosses and subbosses
- Save game is enabled for all missions but Boss Rush

This mod uses 4 buttons, don't forget to define key for each!

I rerelease this mod here (the one in Lavalit is gone). Also I have fixed couple bugs and improved couple levels.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to changes in OpenBoR, don't use latest build to play this mod! use build 3789 included with the pack instead.
Top 5 Best Bor!

Is very difficult but is tricky and if you play a lot you can complete it without problem. This I think was the last edge that was released in Lavalit. Thanks Bloodbane to create fun for long hours.
I got bug when playing after you jump your char just rolling in ground and can' t jump again , please fix this.

I try to play to lever 3 , and another bug , you can't jump down either.
I don't know what do about rolling bug. It's engine bug AFAIK since it happens in other mods as well.

As for can't jump down, this ability is locked in certain levels. That's the only way to prevent player from going back in ascending levels :)
You can use changeopenborvariant to change scrollminz and scrollmaxz to lock your screen. Though it needs more efforts. There's also another feature from contra that if you jump down with no actual visible platforms below then you die. ;)

Wow. I wasn't really aware that this Contra mod got released. Well, if it's a fully complete version of it, then, congrats Bloodbane! :)
Bloodbane said:
I don't know what do about rolling bug. It's engine bug AFAIK since it happens in other mods as well.

As for can't jump down, this ability is locked in certain levels. That's the only way to prevent player from going back in ascending levels :)

Do you think change another ver OpenBOR can fix this ?
yeah people are gonna play it with newest version, they wont bother to have different version for different mods, i keep all mods in paks folder and play them using recent versions and this bug makes it unplayable and after jump youre locked in rolling animation.
Im also stuck at the end of first stage of mission2 clone soldiers, i think theres supposed to be some branches but theres nothing and i cant move forward and exit the stage.
One more problem..
Enemy went too far offscreen and i wasnt able to shoot him and he stopped attacking after awhile so hes there somewhere offscreen and i cant do anything to complete the stage
You can use changeopenborvariant to change scrollminz and scrollmaxz to lock your screen.

Thanks, I just know that. :)

There's also another feature from contra that if you jump down with no actual visible platforms below then you die.

Easier say than done. Platforms are arranged so player can ascend so after player ascends, those platforms would still be there. So if player drops below, they would be able to step on those platforms preventing them from getting killed.

they wont bother to have different version for different mods,

Well, recently there were bugs with latest builds so I didn't use those buggy builds when testing this mod.
(couple hours later)
And it's true, I just discovered 2 bugs which could break couple features I have in this mod. I have posted them in engine section.

About the stuck problem, try killing every single static enemy you meet and see if it solves the problem.
(couple hours later)

I don't understand what's wrong with 1st stage of mission 3. I've tried going through wave of enemies without killing static enemies (except the ones in wait areas) and yet I can meet the bosses at end of state.
As for mission 2, I did get stuck but the enemy which causes stuck is shootable from wait area so you could just shoot them even if you can't see them.

Oh I hope you're not using latest build :). Use suggested build instead.
This ver BOR I has test it by myself , bug free, hope it help.

Ah, I just discovered that build 3805 recommended in the pak is not compatible with this mod.
The best build to play this mod is 3789. Please change your build to avoid bugs.
This game be continued. Good graphics, good plot development. But here is the difficulty it is clearly overdone. As it is impossible to play. I do not understand what the aim of your game - to break the nerves of the player?  :o
If so, then it is very sad.
I hope there is a future update. The sprites on the "Freedom Fighters" look like they mismatch.
This place in the third mission impossible to pass if you have guns, firing grenades. It can not get that green monster and the player has to die to switch back to the standard weapon. This is your right.


MoonGemXP said:
Has many char but what different between them .

Functionally, nothing. It also makes Bahamut pointless, and he sticks out badly compared to the rest of the characters.
Contra games was never about character difference from beginning. That's why I didn't even set difference for them not to mention it's tough doing so with 7 characters.

The sprites on the "Freedom Fighters" look like they mismatch.

Huh? which one? I don't know about that game, let alone using anything from it

As it is impossible to play. I do not understand what the aim of your game - to break the nerves of the player?

It's challenge. Contra was never easy game. I keep this difficulty in this mod cause it is Contra ;).
No, don't worry about breaking nerves, you can use save states to replay from last stage :)

This place in the third mission impossible to pass if you have guns, firing grenades. It can not get that green monster and the player has to die to switch back to the standard weapon.

Grenade launcher is not mean to shoot far targets. So you should get another weapon for long range one, or default one will do. Even so with 2 weapon slots, you can't possibly have 2 grenade launchers in both slots so you should have long range gun in the other slot :)

It also makes Bahamut pointless, and he sticks out badly compared to the rest of the characters.

Sprite work like this is hard to come by you know :). You have to credit slash128 for this :)
It's challenge. Contra was never easy game. I keep this difficulty in this mod cause it is Contra ;).
No, don't worry about breaking nerves, you can use save states to replay from last stage :)

cansave 0 I'll never get it :-[.
You own this fashion seems to have canceled. No, do not confuse dissent with the Contra of the original complexity of your mod. There is another. And not only Contra, a couple of your games, I still can not pass, such as
Crime Buster. You do well in terms of game scripting, but that the complexity of the games themselves have constantly fails to achieve a balance. Yes, there is a complex game, I agree. But in most it is balanced with something interesting. In your same fashion beat, shoot it is not visible and meanwhile it unpleasant exhausting nerves complexity. You imagine a player who plays in your game, he thinks about you, I doubt that it will be thanks.  :-\

The complexity of mod still need to be redone. ;)
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