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Solved Direct gameover when I run out of lives and it says 4 credits on the screen.

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Active member
Hi guys, playing Beats of Rage 1.0 when I run out of lives there is direct gameover but it says 4 credits on the screen to player 2 and then I think that the player 1 has the same credits..

In the Partner Menu V2 I added the "nojoin 1" to prevent player 2 from entering the game, once I don't know too much about how your game is coded.
I can make some adjustments in the next version, but for now you can solve it by entering in all script files and removing all lines that contain the "nojoin" variant.

changeopenborvariant("nojoin", 1);
Known bug fixed in upcoming releases. The counter is skipping to zero. There's not a lot you can do about it without switching engine versions or some advanced scripting to override it.
Glad that worked for you. Just be aware, that's not an official version. There's no guarantee of future compatibility or support at all as we move forward.

Update: I did several tests.

When you run out of lives the timer to choose a character (if you have credits available) goes immediately to 0 and you have to press start immediately to continue otherwise is game over (this with the latest official release 6391). With the version of Kratus (7123), it gives you time of 10 seconds to press start otherwise is game over. If there is a CPU partner spawned with CPU Partner Menu (Portable Version 2) by Kratus (Add the partner menu of streets of rage 2 by Kratus in all OpenBOR games. #59), the button start if you want to use a credit does not work with both versions.

In the Partner Menu V2 I added the "nojoin 1" to prevent player 2 from entering the game, once I don't know too much about how your game is coded.
I can make some adjustments in the next version, but for now you can solve it by entering in all script files and removing all lines that contain the "nojoin" variant.

changeopenborvariant("nojoin", 1);

In the Partner Menu V2 I added the "nojoin 1" to prevent player 2 from entering the game, once I don't know too much about how your game is coded.
I can make some adjustments in the next version, but for now you can solve it by entering in all script files and removing all lines that contain the "nojoin" variant.

changeopenborvariant("nojoin", 1);
Solved @Kratus. Thank you ;).
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