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Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara - Reveal Trailer



i know, i know, they're probably the 2 videogames i know better than everything, but still i will support their new console incarnation (in my case, the xbox360 version)!
Plus, the customizable house rules and the challenge system seems pretty cool, don't you think?


Some screenshots and artwork here.
I think that HD remake deserves some credits as they did not simply redraw every sprite but added some animation in the process, making it a bit smoother ... unlike Capcom that delivered a SFII HD for 15 bucks and just used the same patterns and only redraw the sprites, shame on them (shame on me too to have bought that shit)
And they even added some new features but kept the original content unchanged
That isn't HD anything... just some filter crap that's being used, because pixelation is supposedly a bad thing.

I'm good on this one. Wii and PSP can emulate both games, and I always have 2-3 other people around me that are willing to play along.
I was waiting for this game, but ... I definitely will not buy.

Capcom, this is HD, only on your ass ... That's a shitty "Slot Machine" game.
Ancient Sprites with blur effect.

Dungeons & Dragons Collection - Sega Saturn, UPGRADE ...Nothing more.

Long Live the OpenBOR!
the whole walk me down the street sprite based  beat'em up scene was dead until BOR and OpenBOR surfaced, Now there remaking and revisiting all this old stuff. The whole retro style sprite based games are all over the XBLA and PSN. MUGEN and OpenBor is being watched This scene is very noisy and the industry can here us. I wouldn't be surprised if Streets of Rage 4 and Final Fight 4 or a HD version comes out soon. lets stay above the curve. anything they can do, we can do better. all you great spriters and scripters and story tellers...... "MODDERS". can actually make an impact on retro style gaming we don't need a license to put marvel and DC in a fan based game together. the only thing we have stopping us is imagination.  When i did my first mod in 2004 the Mugen scene hated us and now they are part of the family. I love the way we all work together here. And i cant wait to drop my next project for this community
Waiting for the remake of Cadillac & Dinosaurs. Some time ago I wrote to Capcom, but no answer.

With this remake of Dungeon & Dragons, will also for PC. Thanks for the news
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