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EF-12, a 3D Mugen-like engine

O Ilusionista

Captain 80K
Project EF-12 is a free, fully customizable 3D fighting game engine

Some Screenies:



A English release is expected at the end of the year.
http://examu.co.jp/chronicle/ - Arcana Heart in the EF-12 engine.



Tucked away inside of the densely-packed Tokyo Game Show Indie Game Area was Project EF-12, which at first glance appeared to be a prototype 3D fighter along the lines of SoulCalibur or Tekken. After being introduced to designer/Quad Arrow CEO Masahiro Onoguchi, however, I learned that the game is in fact a free, totally customizable 3D fighting game engine.

EF12 promotion video 2013

Through modifying what essentially amounts to a collection of spreadsheets, users can change virtually everything about Project EF-12, from its characters, to their abilities and stages, all the way down to the appearance of the UI. The version I played had a selection of characters that had been modified into familiar archetypes: Virtua Fighter-esque, Tekken-like – there was even a character that played with 2D-style controls, despite this being a 3D engine.

I'm a 2D lover, but:
Just freaking crazy!
I hope for an english ver.
I'm just too curious to understand how it works (technically)
Its much easier to make characters in 3d, you have to do just one model and rig it basically, unlike 2d where you have to draw all the frames.
Yes, this is why it's a gain of time. :)
I'm more thinking about how will work collisions, coding, reaction to attacks, grapple coding. and more.
I think maybe not at first JS, but if it really is as open as they say it's not impossible? I don't think fighters and beat em ups are that different. Esp since you don't have to balance a BEU as much as a fighter.
This is pretty interesting. Creating characters and stuff in 3D. I used to dream about making video games long time ago (when I was in high school). Oh I really missed wanting to create 3D. (Too bad I lost my interest before I graduated from high school.) But thanks to Mugen and then OpenBOR, I'm so into 2D. I am not so good with 3D modelling. :P
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