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Solved End level if NPC die

Question that is answered or resolved.


Active member
npc play death anim when die, but notghing happens.
why this are not working:
anim	death
	loop	0
	offset	133 153
	bbox	109 77 51 78
	delay	300
	frame	data/chars/misc/x1.gif
	delay	300
        jumptobranch("port_1a", 1);
	frame	data/chars/misc/x1.gif

port_1a = name of branch before this level

ZVitor said:
npc play death anim when die, but notghing happens.
Try this:
anim	death
        jumptobranch("port_1a", 1);
	offset	133 153
	delay	300
	frame	data/chars/misc/x1.gif
	frame	data/chars/misc/x1.gif

[couple time later]

I've tested it and the cause of this is simply because NPC disappears before the script is run. You can solve that either by setting shorter delay OR set nodieblink 2 to ensure NPC doesn't disappear before script is run

[quote author=White Dragon]
new script function finishlevel();

Offtopic: what parameters the function accepts? or declaring finishlevel() is sufficient?
Solved thanks,
used nodieblink 2,

btw,  finishlevel() will skip to next level instead of return to previous branch, right?
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