Well-known member
here are some helpful .Bat file comands, so you can record an Openbor window:
First , You need to download FFmpeg
record openbor window - No sound
ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i title=22A wincap.mkv
the parts in red have to be replaced with the name of the game window, Openbor usually names the window with the name of the .Pak file it's using (in my case the pak file is named "22A.pak"
record openbor window - with sound
ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i title=22A -f dshow -i audio="mixer (Realtek High Definition " wincap.mkv
the parts in red have to be replaced with the name of the game window
the parts with yellow have to be replaced with the name of your audio mixing device, it has to be enabled in order for ffmpeg to detect it...
place the .bat files where ffmpeg.exe is located, run the bat go to your game window -
keep the window visible when recording
to stop recording, close the bat file command window...
if you need to find out the name of your device , use this command:
ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy
note: on some Operating systems, IF the name of the audio device has special characters, make sure to rename it to something like "Mixer" otherwise ffmpeg will not detect it....
you can losslessly crop the video using avidemux or losslessCut, but cuts are only made on keyframes
for precise editing, you can use youtube editor to make precision frame cuts....
First , You need to download FFmpeg
record openbor window - No sound
ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i title=22A wincap.mkv
the parts in red have to be replaced with the name of the game window, Openbor usually names the window with the name of the .Pak file it's using (in my case the pak file is named "22A.pak"
record openbor window - with sound
ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i title=22A -f dshow -i audio="mixer (Realtek High Definition " wincap.mkv
the parts in red have to be replaced with the name of the game window
the parts with yellow have to be replaced with the name of your audio mixing device, it has to be enabled in order for ffmpeg to detect it...
place the .bat files where ffmpeg.exe is located, run the bat go to your game window -
keep the window visible when recording
to stop recording, close the bat file command window...
if you need to find out the name of your device , use this command:
ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy
note: on some Operating systems, IF the name of the audio device has special characters, make sure to rename it to something like "Mixer" otherwise ffmpeg will not detect it....
you can losslessly crop the video using avidemux or losslessCut, but cuts are only made on keyframes
for precise editing, you can use youtube editor to make precision frame cuts....
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