@O Ilusionista and
i was going to post about this game a while ago and decided against it, mainly because i did find it a bit funny that this game resembles Ilu's work, and because i figured that if i posted it, it would give the blasted thing thing more promotion....
anyway, the game does not seem bad, but the chibi-ish art style is getting tiresome-
that said , it does things that are nice attempts at bringing variety and that i might add have been seen before, but not all in one package, like
driving levels , (closest thing to it i know is batman sega cd)
fps shooting? ( alien arcade, alien storm)
rollercoaster action (batman animated series SNES)
fps fighting (some old sprite-based dragon ball game fps that for some reason i cant find)
not only soft censorchip, i guess that if they become large enough you don't even have to bother on making complex pain animations-
here is the thing, its 2024 , why in heck is there not a photo realistic-ish power rangers game generated using unreal engine assets?
i can understand the toon graphics back in the snes days, but pow rangers was a live action gooffest, and getting to play a game that gives you the illusion of controlling an actual episode (albait from a distance, like a fifa game) would be swell in my book...