@kdo NightSlashers wide screen uses 3 methods for changing music,
one is trough animation script - 1- you change the music when an entity dies
or 2- during its spawn animation
another is trough spawn position
at scroll position X. music.ogg starts.
1, how do you want the music to syncronise during the spawn of the character?
2, do you need the level music to continue on from the point where it was interrupted?
There are flaws to the methods i currently use.
there is a boss who dies & the music changes to the next track because the change is made between death animation frames, but OpenBOR has a bug where some entities can die from a toss & the death animation does not show up, i have been trying to fix that to no success.
you can fix it by forcing death animation using script, or by activating the music using "ondeathscript'
i have not figured out how to do an ondeathscript music change either.
my workaround for this is to spawn an invisible entity using ondeathscript & an invisible entity changes the music in its first animation frame.
the drawback to doing it using ondeathscript is that if you want the music to syncronize exactly, it MIGHT screw up the timing, i find that the music sync "looks" better using the anim death method