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Rocket Viper 2-styled Movelists


Active member
Hey there! I'm wanting to see how it could be possible to easily and effectively do a movelist display for any player while in-game much like how Rocket Viper 2 did. I paxploded the file and went through it, but it seemed overwhelming and I didn't want to accidentally mess up my current scripts (plus the game also has a story system which I also have, but they're structured differently). What would be the best way to go about doing something similar?
I haven't played that game yet but one easy way to show movelist (or bio, or anything) for each player is to use FREESPECIAL performed by clicking one key (attack2, 3 or 4) then a text type entity is spawned in. This text type entity is the movelist and since it is text type, it pauses the game when it is spawned in, perfect for reading movelist.
Modders usually use summonframe to spawn the movelist but IMO spawnframe is sufficient.

If the whole movelist could be displayed with just one page, you don't need extra pages. But if you need the extra pages, there are 2 ways to do it:
1. Default.
Arrange the pages in order as frames, frame 1 = page 1, frame 2 = page 2 and so on.
Clicking attack button will change the page from one page to next one until it reaches last page.
It's simple but you could accidentally skipped a page while clicking. Not to mention you can't go back to previous page.
2. Scripted pages.
The pages are arranged as animations such as FOLLOW animations.
A special script is coded to allow changing pages by pressing left/right or up/down and to close the movelist by pressing attack, jump or any chosen key.
This is complex but the result should be similar to instruction section of my recent games. And monster compendium from Shadows of Death.
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