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Street fighter 89

In Progress Street Fighter 89 The Final Fight by Machok v3.7

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The project is currently under development.

Just came across this video. Is this someone changing the amount of enemies spawns or is the game like this?

I can't say for sure, but looks like they turned on the Implacable Walk cheat. It lets you ignore waits and just keep walking forward. An obvious side effect is that enemies keep spawning and you'll end up with a big pile of them.

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Just came across this video. Is this someone changing the amount of enemies spawns or is the game like this?
I can't say for sure, but looks like they turned on the Implacable Walk cheat. It lets you ignore waits and just keep walking forward. An obvious side effect is that enemies keep spawning and you'll end up with a big pile of them.

Sorry for the late reply, I'm short on free time due to real life at the moment
No it's not an edit or a walk cheat, enemies will continue spawning if players keep running to next wait. Yeah think I'll need to use offscreenkill feature for next version

Please share the moves list for all chars? i can only do few things. thanks
Here you go
@machok If you have any chance to do Haggar with new moves, you can check this out. :LOL: But you can try to come up with new ideas for him, as well as a new twist.

No it's not an edit or a walk cheat, enemies will continue spawning if players keep running to next wait. Yeah think I'll need to use offscreenkill feature for next version
I am having an issue with groups too, but with enemies that are being spawned by obstacles.
Somehow, the engine those counts them on groups and will ignore all the Waits until the end of the stage.
@O Ilusionista
Setting group are pain for me so I sometime using this to group spawn by @Bloodbane
there will be a delay between the first wave and the second wave in the upcoming enemies

name       delay_dock
health       10
type       enemy
shadow     0
nomove     1

load andore
load el_gado_172
load poison
load roxy
load holly_wood_172

animationscript        data/scripts/cbusters.c

script    @script
void main()
    void self = getlocalvar("self");
    int MTime = getentityproperty(self,"maxhealth");
    int Time = getentityproperty(self,"health");

    if(Time > 0){
      drawstring(140, -16, 3, Time/10);

anim    idle
      void self = getlocalvar("self");
      changeentityproperty(self, "defense", openborconstant("ATK_NORMAL2"), 0, 200, 0);
      changeopenborvariant("game_time", +20000);

    void self = getlocalvar("self");
    int  Health = getentityproperty(self, "health");
      changeentityproperty(self, "health", Health-5);
    if (Health <= 0){
        updateframe(self, 1);
       loop    0
       delay   800
       offset  1 1
       frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
       delay   10
       frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
       delay   10
       frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
       @cmd    changeState "follow1"
       frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim    follow1
    loop    0
    delay    10
    offset   1 1
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    delay    120
    @cmd    spawn01 "andore" 89 0 25
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    @cmd    changeState "follow2"
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim    follow2
    loop    0
    delay    10
    offset   1 1
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    delay    10
    @cmd    spawn01 "poison" 599 0 25
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    @cmd    changeState "follow3"
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim    follow3
    loop    0
    delay    640
    offset   1 1
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    delay    10
    @cmd    spawn01 "roxy" 89 0 25
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    @cmd    changeState "follow4"
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim    follow4
    loop    0
    delay    60
    offset   1 1
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    delay    10
    @cmd    spawn01 "el_gado_172" 599 0 25
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    @cmd    changeState "follow5"
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim   follow5
       loop    0
       delay   2400
       offset  1 1
       frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
       delay   10
       frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
       delay   10
       frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
       @cmd    changeState "follow6"
       frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim    follow6
    loop    0
    delay    10
    offset   1 1
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    delay    120
    @cmd    spawn01 "roxy" 599 0 25
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    @cmd    changeState "follow7"
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim    follow7
    loop    0
    delay    10
    offset   1 1
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    delay    10
    @cmd    spawn01 "holly_wood_172" 599 0 25
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    @cmd    changeState "follow8"
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim    follow8
    loop    0
    delay    640
    offset   1 1
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    delay    10
    @cmd    spawn01 "poison" 89 0 25
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    @cmd    changeState "follow9"
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif

anim    follow9
    loop    0
    delay    60
    offset   1 1
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    delay    10
    @cmd    spawn01 "el_gado_172" 599 0 25
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
    @cmd    suicide
    frame   data/chars/misc/empty.gif
Hello, I tried your game and it seems promising but fix the range distance of the enemies in In the final fight, you can always choose a low tier from the entire roster of characters in the game, it increases the damage of the weapons, making it feel like you have an advantage when using them and above all mov esp, that gives a new look to the game, with maki For example, it is super basic and should at least have some advantage with a weapon, running makes the levels that are super long dynamic.
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