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Super Street Fighter 2 turbo


Well-known member
I wonder if the game had an antipiracy thing that turns the game Difficult as Hell

when i fire it up on batocera or on the pc, single player is impossible , never been able to get past a 4th fighter.

as 2 player game its fantastic tho

anyone here has ever beaten this game without save states?

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I remember this is Panasonic 3DO version, T-Hawk is hard to deal
unlike the snes turbo or Mega Drive Special Champion Edition version I can beat all enemies without any damage, Yes arcade version too but this "akuma" version is not intended for veterans but more drain coins in the pocket

on redditt it seems that the concensus is that the Arcade game was deffective, all difficulty settings where the hardest

some of my favorite theories & thoughts i have seen so far:

I experienced the same while playing 30th Anniversary of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo on PS4. Now since it has been acknowledged that this is a rom error, can't this be fixed with a simple update? I'm a casual gamer and not looking into competition, so most of the time i play the arcade version however it ends up more into frustration than enjoying the time playing.
Anyone know if there is a fix in the works? I've seen some updates to the game recently but this bug is still persisting."


Early street figher games’ AI was injected with the souls of serial murderers. You play the game thinking you’re gonna have fun. NOPE. You get so murdered, like, so dead that your face spells victim"

" Matt-Goo
the ai reads inputs. abuse anything u can"
here is another video -

useful for gamers who would like to know which version of street fighter 2 is "the best"

i have to admit , there where so many version of street fighter 2, that recently when tryying to pick one for a Batocera machine i really could not decide what to do...

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