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Solved What does the following code do? And why does it only return -1 or 1?

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New member
Like what i've written above, what (or how) does the following code work? Cause it seems to return either -1 or 1:
side = (facing == 0) ? (-1) : (1);
I had found this while browsing "SFFG Plus"'s scripts, searching for any way to check for the Y velocity.
The "facing" seems to be referencing the entity property "direction".
I'm just curious on how this piece of code works.

That's called a Ternary operator. It acts as a one line shortcut for simple conditional IF statements.

value = (condition) ? (value if true) : (value if false);

Functionally, it is identical to writing this:

if(facing == 0)
    side = -1;
    side = 1;

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