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OpenBOR v3.0 Build 4313 (Windows/Wii/Android)

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White Dragon

New member
OpenBOR v3.0 Build 4313 (Windows/Wii/Android)

News from 4287:

-added checkbasemapindex(x,z) to return the basemap index under (x,z)

-added gotomainmenu(flag) to go to main menu without tricks or pausemenu
flag: gotomainmenu(flag); flag: 1 = no gameover, 2 = no halloffame, 4 = no intro.txt; you can use a combination like 1+2 = 3 or all 1+2+4 = 7
flag doesn't affect set nogameover/nohof

-added to entityproperty: "jumpmovex","jumpmovez","walkoffmovex","walkoffmovez"

-added systemvariant: "maxsoundchannels"
-added pausesamples(toggle); it works like pausemusic() but it works for sounds.
-added int isactivesample(int channel); it returns 1 if channel is active (sound in play), else it returns 0
-added sampleid(channel): returns sample id in channel if sample is active, it returns -1 otherwise

-added new animations: "backrun"
to active it set facing {flag} and then
set the new ANIM BACKRUN
using back,back or forward,forward (in opposite direction) you'll enter in backrun
-added "facing" in entityproperty

-added subject_to_basemap in entity.txt and script

-added new script operators:

-added new engine script improvement:
break animationscript limit!
now you can use animationscript event in file or in entity.txt and between animations and @cmd SIMULTANEOUSLY!!

this is a very important update!!

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