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Knights of The Round Annihilation

Knights of The Round Annihilation 9.15.22

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The new following updates for Knights of the Round are of the following:

1. The stages and cutscenes for Mordred's storyline are entirely finished and can be playable after the main storyline is completed.
2. Two new characters Laiheres and Ayame have been included and will be available for story mode for both Mordred and Arthur's factions
3. A new bonus game break the brick wall has been added and can be unlocked after player finish the main storyline.
4. The changes have been made for Ayame, Taliesin, and Tristan:
  • Ayame's free specials now involve her casting a trail of explosive flame, conjure up a thunderstorm, unleash a trail of ice needles, and throwing a barrage of electrical kunai.
  • Tristan's new free special "Merlin's Duplicitous Shadow" is the same as Arthur's "Merlin's Courageous Flare" special, except the flames are dark purple instead of red-orange color.
  • Tristan's "Midnight Slash Kick" special now can deal shadow damage to enemies as seen with the fall 6 burn effect.
  • Taliesin has two new free specials called "Song of the Wisp" and "Song of the Salamander", his release attack "Venomous Forest Cloud" has received a massive upgrade.
5. Agravaines, Andregal, and Laiburn have been included in Mordred's storyline as unique NPCs.
6. Guard mechanics for all the characters have been added.
7. Battle sounds have been incorporated for Himiko in her text file.
8. The Grail Quest Storyline will soon be in the works after the next update of my Real Bout Pro Wrestling project, so stay tuned my friends!
The following updates for Knights of the Round Annihilation are of the following:

  1. Mordred's storyline campaign has been added, but there are only six stages playable. The rest will soon be added later on in the next update.
  2. Eight new playable characters will be available for the story modes of both Arthur and Mordred's factions.
  3. The changes has been made for Ywain, Gong Meitian, and Gong Meimei, as Ywain can run and perform running attacks and also in the air. Gong Meitian can now summon Genbu, Kirin, and Seiryuu in her free specials and release attack respectively. Gong Meimei has a new release attack to replace her old one.
  4. The boss music has been changed.
  5. How to play has been added.
  6. Galahad's Grail Quest Story will be in development after Mordred's storyline is finished in the works.
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