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Interprite - sprite interpolation software to create more frames

bWWd: Max's ears move a little too much, Guy's walking is great ;).
I don't if someone can make a test with the walking animation of Gorth, Kran and Mariana to see if it's worth to add more frames :) :
Ill try it but you will clean it  ;D

OK here it is

Imo this kind of animation is missing one frame to look better, the one where leg in front is lifted more and bent in knee
I messaged the guy who made this software , i think if we would be abllowed to move and position the bones on inbetween frames then this will be solved
Kinda like this

IMO its worth to try, i already changed all my moonstone walking animations and game feels better with them, not as ancient, and its interesting to see those animations with more frames.
IT does not take as much time , nes sprites take more time i think.CAuse its easier to ruin eyes when theyre 2 pixels than ruin 8 pixels eyes.So you have more to clean up on nes sprites.
yup, theyre not cleaned at all, export straight from the software.
Im tryin to ask dev to add maybe replacement images for some frames, so we could load chest image without hand obscuring it and this way get cleaner animation, also ability to move bones on all frames
bWWd: Max is better like this, congratulations ;).
Thank you for Gorth, that's better like this. I will decompose your gif and see what I can do with this anim. I will draw one more walk frame for Mariana and Kran too if you can send them after to the same treatment :p.
Hey sure , ill finish my animation work here and ill take a look at other chars.This style of walkcycle as i wrote earlier is tricky because theyre cheating a bit to save one frame.
Markey Jester replied to my @mail wohoo ! So maybe thre is a chance for more freedom in interprite! Theres no other software like this.Very fast and great results.
Finally managed to render Street fighter 2 HD sprites, I'm contemplating doing the whole character to see how it would look in mugen, few minor discrepancies I could remove using photoshop but just wanted to show how it looks.



Damon Caskey
Is there anyway to implement a spoiler button? I'm sure we used to have one but maybe I'm thinking about Lavalit

Sadly no. I checked around a couple of months ago for one but never found anything that supports latest forum software. I'll take another look to make sure though.

Well, its strange, this Vega looks like flash animation after interpolating, i dont know if i would do that, there has to be certain way of animating where it results in this flash look, maybe if body would rotate left/righ then it would look less flashy.
What Do You think ?
After second view, i think its just thuis second hand, without claw that looks jarring, rotating like that, and jiggly knee, besides that its pretty solid but it needs some extra changes IMO.
You're right, it would need lots of extra changes, the tattoo on his chest looks too jumpy and I don't like the neck, I like the feet though, His hand without claw looks like hes twisting the throttle of a motorbike  :-\
You know what, i think these SF remake sprites were made using poor animation method by moving around bodyparts ocassionally swaping and retouching, but maybe you could try with some actual HD sprites like from guilty gear or from skullgirls , maybe new KOF XIII as well, these were animated by hand frame by frame, and KOF was rotoscoped from 3d models.

OH my my Mai looks much more bouncy  :-X

Thought I'd give an animated scene a try too


I plan on using this software for a ninja game I'm working on, I'm using shinobi sprites as a base and I'm going to redraw and re animate everything from that, I should have something solid in the next week or 2 so I'll start a topic
It's truely impressive.
It can save so much time when creating a character animation.

My 2 questions and hopes are.

-Does it keep the palette of the sprite, or it mess up the colors and create blurry  effect...?
-Is there a chance such a filter to be used in real time with some PC indie games or projects like Openbor, mugen...? (It's more like a wish)
Thats correct, if Youre aiming at NES choppy asthetics then you should use 3-4 frames for walk, if Youre aiming at SNES then about 10 frames.
It really depends what you want to achieve.I personally think 4 frames is not enough even for NES, but they had to do it because memory limited them.
Why i think this ? Eeasy, to get smooth motion in animation you need at least 3 frames, becayse 2 frames is just swap from one to other, so if you want somewhat smooth walk, its required to use 3 frames for each leg.
Id use minimum 6 frames for walk, lower that that and its NES.
6 frames

20 frames
Right, but something to keep in mind is as big your character is, more frames are needed.

A good way to see it is to compare

how good look SF2/SSF2 anims
And how strangely animated are Super street fighter HD remix anims (same number of frames, but look not that good animated)
Yes, i think SFHD remix should use twice as many frames ,there is more stutter when pixel travels 20 pixels than when if it travels less like 10, i noticed that when making fullscreen characters
nedflandeurse said:
-Does it keep the palette of the sprite, or it mess up the colors and create blurry  effect...?
-Is there a chance such a filter to be used in real time with some PC indie games or projects like Openbor, mugen...? (It's more like a wish)

Yes if youre asking about interprite but with dain i dont know
Dain needs to spend some time to interpolate , it wont be realtime but in potplayer there is a feature to interpolate frames and that works realtime So i can say yes it can work in realtime but its not as good as dain.
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