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Solved 2nd select screen animations

Question that is answered or resolved.
Are you trying to make the 2nd select screen animation appear in one game mode after unlocking characters from finishing some past levels or in another game mode?
Are you trying to make the 2nd select screen animation appear in one game mode after unlocking characters from finishing some past levels or in another game mode?
funny you should ask that actually...just checked both ways.. after unlocking the second screen does not play any animation on it at all... but when selecting the other mode where those players are unlocked after beating the game... well select screen 1 animation shows but not 2.... keeps getting weirder lol
Why is the value for selanim the same?

void main(){
void SelAnim = getglobalvar("selanim"); // Read select screen animated state to check

if(openborvariant("in_menuscreen")){ // Check if the game is in menu screen
setglobalvar("counter", NULL());
setglobalvar("selanim", NULL());

if(openborvariant("in_selectscreen") && SelAnim!=1){ // Check to avoid double spawn
void counter = getglobalvar("counter"); // Read variable 1 to check

if(counter!=1 && counter!=2){ // first select screen
void subent;

loadmodel("pnameanim"); // load the entity to be loaded
clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim"); // define the entity to be spawn
setspawnentry("coords", 1,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

subent=spawn(); // spawn the entity
changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1,0,-1); //for safe, set again the position
setglobalvar("counter",1); // counting select screen order
setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made
} else if(counter==1){ // second select screen
void subent;

loadmodel("pnameanim2"); // load the entity to be loaded
clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim2"); // define the entity to be spawn
setspawnentry("coords", 1,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

subent=spawn(); // spawn the entity
changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1,0,-1); //for safe, set again the position
setglobalvar("counter",2); // counting select screen order
setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made

Maybe you could use either NULL() or 2 for that globalvar of "selanim". I think you need to practice the globalvar value like how Kratus taught me in the pause menu thread. Try to practice with binary first (0 and 1) before you try any value.
Why is the value for selanim the same?

Maybe you could use either NULL() or 2 for that globalvar of "selanim". I think you need to practice the globalvar value like how Kratus taught me in the pause menu thread. Try to practice with binary first (0 and 1) before you try any value.
ill try some of that thanks... i didnt make this script.. this was fixed and working by master bloodbane 2 years a go before i lost the game.... ill try stuff like that thanks again
no matter how i rework the script..change shit around still pnameanim2 will never load..just wont it only loads 1 ugh...
void initializeFlags() {
    // Initialize flags and screen state
    setglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded", 0);
    setglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded", 0);
    setglobalvar("screen_state", 1); // Default screen state for testing

void main() {
    // Ensure flags are initialized
    if (getglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded") == NULL()) {

    // Check if the game is in the menu screen
    if (openborvariant("in_menuscreen")) {
        // Reset flags and debug test when in menu screen
        setglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded", 0);
        setglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded", 0);
        setglobalvar("screen_state", 1); // Optionally reset screen state
    // Check if we are in the select screen
    else if (openborvariant("in_selectscreen")) {
        int screenState = getglobalvar("screen_state");

        if (screenState == 1) {
            if (getglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded") == 0) {
                // Clear previous entries to avoid clutter
                // Load and spawn pnameanim
                setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim");
                setspawnentry("coords", 1, 0, -1);
                int subent = spawn();
                if (subent) {
                    changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1, 0, -1);
                    setglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded", 1); // Mark screen 1 as loaded
        } else if (screenState == 2) {
            if (getglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded") == 0) {
                // Clear previous entries to avoid clutter
                // Load and spawn pnameanim2
                setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim2");
                setspawnentry("coords", 1, 0, -1);
                int subent = spawn();
                if (subent) {
                    changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1, 0, -1);
                    setglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded", 1); // Mark screen 2 as loaded
    // Not in select screen
    else {
        setglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded", 0);
        setglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded", 0);

Loaded 32-bit background 'data/bgs/title'
Loaded 32-bit background 'data/bgs/titleb'
Video track: resolution=1920*1080, display resolution=1920*1080, 25.00 frames/second
Audio track: 44100.000000 Hz, 2 channels, 16 bits/sample
Loading 'pnameanim'
************ Shutting Down ************

it just refuses to load... this is like the 6th or 7th iteration of the same damn script smfh..almost trhowing in the towel and just have a sad plain select screen ugh.
also is not the animation itself.. as i also have flipped the names and it works on the first part of the code for the first select screen... i have also splitted them into 2 scripts while keeping them in the same updated.c script with same results...id rather be split if possible that way i can add another select screen a 3rd one if i can ever get shit going and not keep getting stuck like this smfh
no matter how i rework the script..change shit around still pnameanim2 will never load..just wont it only loads 1 ugh...
void initializeFlags() {
    // Initialize flags and screen state
    setglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded", 0);
    setglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded", 0);
    setglobalvar("screen_state", 1); // Default screen state for testing

void main() {
    // Ensure flags are initialized
    if (getglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded") == NULL()) {

    // Check if the game is in the menu screen
    if (openborvariant("in_menuscreen")) {
        // Reset flags and debug test when in menu screen
        setglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded", 0);
        setglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded", 0);
        setglobalvar("screen_state", 1); // Optionally reset screen state
    // Check if we are in the select screen
    else if (openborvariant("in_selectscreen")) {
        int screenState = getglobalvar("screen_state");

        if (screenState == 1) {
            if (getglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded") == 0) {
                // Clear previous entries to avoid clutter
                // Load and spawn pnameanim
                setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim");
                setspawnentry("coords", 1, 0, -1);
                int subent = spawn();
                if (subent) {
                    changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1, 0, -1);
                    setglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded", 1); // Mark screen 1 as loaded
        } else if (screenState == 2) {
            if (getglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded") == 0) {
                // Clear previous entries to avoid clutter
                // Load and spawn pnameanim2
                setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim2");
                setspawnentry("coords", 1, 0, -1);
                int subent = spawn();
                if (subent) {
                    changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1, 0, -1);
                    setglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded", 1); // Mark screen 2 as loaded
    // Not in select screen
    else {
        setglobalvar("flag_screen1_loaded", 0);
        setglobalvar("flag_screen2_loaded", 0);

Loaded 32-bit background 'data/bgs/title'
Loaded 32-bit background 'data/bgs/titleb'
Video track: resolution=1920*1080, display resolution=1920*1080, 25.00 frames/second
Audio track: 44100.000000 Hz, 2 channels, 16 bits/sample
Loading 'pnameanim'
************ Shutting Down ************

it just refuses to load... this is like the 6th or 7th iteration of the same damn script smfh..almost trhowing in the towel and just have a sad plain select screen ugh.
also is not the animation itself.. as i also have flipped the names and it works on the first part of the code for the first select screen... i have also splitted them into 2 scripts while keeping them in the same updated.c script with same results...id rather be split if possible that way i can add another select screen a 3rd one if i can ever get shit going and not keep getting stuck like this smfh
I don't know if I understood how the "screen_state" function works, but currently in your code it only allows flag 1 to work.

In case you are having crashes while loading/spawning pnameanim/pnameanim2 entities, I suggest replacing them with any other entity to check if there's a problem with them (sprite issues or bad file paths can cause crashes too).
I don't know if I understood how the "screen_state" function works, but currently in your code it only allows flag 1 to work.

In case you are having crashes while loading/spawning pnameanim/pnameanim2 entities, I suggest replacing them with any other entity to check if there's a problem with them (sprite issues or bad file paths can cause crashes too).
will check when i get home...files are right and they do work elsewhere if i try them, no crashes log looks like that cus i alt f4 a lot...also worked at one point displaying them both at the same time on both screens...the state thing ill have to recheck...was a long ass night...flag thing is confusing, actually alot of it still is lol
thank you
I've tried the update.c script myself and it didn't work. Therefore, I've updated it into this:
void main(){
  void SelAnim = getglobalvar("selanim"); // Read select screen animated state to check

  if(openborvariant("in_menuscreen")){ // Check if the game is in menu screen
    setglobalvar("counter", 0);
    setglobalvar("selanim", 0);

  if(openborvariant("in_selectscreen") && SelAnim!=1){ // Check to avoid double spawn
    void counter = getglobalvar("counter"); // Read variable 1 to check

    if(counter==1){ // second & subsequent select screens
      void subent;

      loadmodel("pnameanim2"); // load the entity to be loaded
      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim2"); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 1,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1,0,-1); //for safe, set again the position
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made
    } else { // first select screen
      void subent;

      loadmodel("pnameanim"); // load the entity to be loaded
      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim"); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 1,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1,0,-1); //for safe, set again the position
      setglobalvar("counter", counter + 1); // incrementing select screen order
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made

Try this and tell me if this works on your end.
I've tried the update.c script myself and it didn't work. Therefore, I've updated it into this:
void main(){
  void SelAnim = getglobalvar("selanim"); // Read select screen animated state to check

  if(openborvariant("in_menuscreen")){ // Check if the game is in menu screen
    setglobalvar("counter", 0);
    setglobalvar("selanim", 0);

  if(openborvariant("in_selectscreen") && SelAnim!=1){ // Check to avoid double spawn
    void counter = getglobalvar("counter"); // Read variable 1 to check

    if(counter==1){ // second & subsequent select screens
      void subent;

      loadmodel("pnameanim2"); // load the entity to be loaded
      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim2"); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 1,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1,0,-1); //for safe, set again the position
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made
    } else { // first select screen
      void subent;

      loadmodel("pnameanim"); // load the entity to be loaded
      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim"); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 1,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1,0,-1); //for safe, set again the position
      setglobalvar("counter", counter + 1); // incrementing select screen order
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made

Try this and tell me if this works on your end.
sadly no still pnameanim2 not loading....
thanks for trying..
Loaded 32-bit background 'data/bgs/title'
Loaded 32-bit background 'data/bgs/titleb'
Video track: resolution=1920*1080, display resolution=1920*1080, 25.00 frames/second
Audio track: 44100.000000 Hz, 2 channels, 16 bits/sample
Loading 'pnameanim' from data/chars/misc/pnameanim.txt
Level Loading:   'DATA/LEVELS/level51.TXT'
Total Ram: 32092991488 Bytes ( 30606 MB )
 Free Ram: 20304711680 Bytes ( 19364 MB )
 Used Ram:   131371008 Bytes (   125 MB )

Loading 'moonbeach' from data/bgs/level5/l51/moonbeach.txt
Loading 'ocean' from data/bgs/level5/l51/ocean.txt
Loading 'trash' from data/chars/misc/Trash.txt
ok this works for main mode.. but on second mode where it unlocks after beating the game where the 1st select screen is acutually the second as it has characters unlucked it still shows the animation for 1st select... so i guess progress but limited as if i want to add a 3rd select screen ill have no idea how to add that... is there a way to just load them acording to what select text file is being loaded ? the one that goes in levels text file that is... thanks
credits     50
lives       3
nosame      1
typemp      1
custfade    250
cansave     2
disablehof  1
maxplayers  3

scene      data/scenes/title.txt
select     data/bgs/select1.txt
void main(){
  void SelAnim = getglobalvar("selanim"); // Read select screen animated state to check

  if(openborvariant("in_menuscreen")){ // Check if the game is in menu screen
    setglobalvar("counter", 0);
    setglobalvar("selanim", 0);

  if(openborvariant("in_selectscreen") && SelAnim!=1){ // Check to avoid double spawn
    void counter = getglobalvar("counter"); // Read variable 1 to check

    if(counter==0){ // second & subsequent select screens
      void subent;

      loadmodel("pnameanim"); // load the entity to be loaded
      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim"); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 1,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1,0,-1); //for safe, set again the position
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made
    } else { // first select screen
      void subent;

      loadmodel("pnameanim2"); // load the entity to be loaded
      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", "pnameanim2"); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 1,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "position", 1,0,-1); //for safe, set again the position
      setglobalvar("counter", counter + 1); // incrementing select screen order
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made
I think I should tell you that this second select screen animation only works if you play it from the beginning. If you saved game after playing couple stages, then exit the game then replaying the game then load that saved game, select screen animation will start from the first one. To solve this, I need to change the script to play second animation when a variable is set in a level instead.

As for different select screen animation for different modes, that's doable but will need change of the script to check for mode instead.
I think I should tell you that this second select screen animation only works if you play it from the beginning. If you saved game after playing couple stages, then exit the game then replaying the game then load that saved game, select screen animation will start from the first one. To solve this, I need to change the script to play second animation when a variable is set in a level instead.

As for different select screen animation for different modes, that's doable but will need change of the script to check for mode instead.
oh ok wow lol.. yet more complex than i thought and yeah exactly what you just said would be whats needed.. apologies i didnt even thought it would be like that.
Alright, I've modified the script to fix the issue I've mentioned above and add mode check.
void main(){
  if(openborvariant("in_menuscreen") || openborvariant("in_titlescreen")){
    setglobalvar("selanim", 0);
  } else if(openborvariant("in_selectscreen")){
    void SelAnim = getglobalvar("selanim"); // Read select screen animated state to check

    if(SelAnim!=1){ // Check to avoid double spawn
      int Set = openborvariant("current_set"); //Get set number
      int Stage = openborvariant("current_level"); //Get stage number
      void Screen, subent;

      if(Set>=1){ // second & other modes
        Screen = "pnameanim3";
      } else if(Stage>=1){ // second & subsequent select screens in first mode
        Screen = "pnameanim2";
      } else { // first select screen in first mode
        Screen = "pnameanim";

      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", Screen); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 0,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "direction", 1); // Fix facing direction
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made

I've removed loading lines assuming that pnameanim, pnameanim2 and pnameanim3 are already LOADed in models.txt.
Pnameanim will be played on select screen in first game mode. Then the next select screens after first level will have Pnameanim2 played.
Pnameanim will be played on second and other game modes.

I don't know how you arranged your game modes or level sets so I only assume you only have one main mode which is not locked and other modes which require unlocking.

This might require modifications but for now give this a try :)
Alright, I've modified the script to fix the issue I've mentioned above and add mode check.
void main(){
  if(openborvariant("in_menuscreen") || openborvariant("in_titlescreen")){
    setglobalvar("selanim", 0);
  } else if(openborvariant("in_selectscreen")){
    void SelAnim = getglobalvar("selanim"); // Read select screen animated state to check

    if(SelAnim!=1){ // Check to avoid double spawn
      int Set = openborvariant("current_set"); //Get set number
      int Stage = openborvariant("current_level"); //Get stage number
      void Screen, subent;

      if(Set>=1){ // second & other modes
        Screen = "pnameanim3";
      } else if(Stage>=1){ // second & subsequent select screens in first mode
        Screen = "pnameanim2";
      } else { // first select screen in first mode
        Screen = "pnameanim";

      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", Screen); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 0,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "direction", 1); // Fix facing direction
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made

I've removed loading lines assuming that pnameanim, pnameanim2 and pnameanim3 are already LOADed in models.txt.
Pnameanim will be played on select screen in first game mode. Then the next select screens after first level will have Pnameanim2 played.
Pnameanim will be played on second and other game modes.

I don't know how you arranged your game modes or level sets so I only assume you only have one main mode which is not locked and other modes which require unlocking.

This might require modifications but for now give this a try :)
GDLK... i will do sir and yes youre correct..1 mode to start in which after level 4 the second select screen will show up after beating the characters that wil join you...then after beating the game the other mode where the characters are unlucked from the start hence that modes first select screen will be pnameanim2 since its the one with the characters unlucked... and since those are unlocked already in the second mode... there will be a replacement for them hence the 3rd select screen xD... will play around with it and thank you so much brother.
so i gave it a go.. sadly nothing loads 😅
log shows no errors but also no loading of them in any mode.. will keep messing with it tho :)

EDIT: they where set to know, but now is set to load... on second mode where pnameanim2 should load, nothing ... on 1st mode where pnameanim should load... it loads pnameanim2 and on that modes second select nothing loads.....is almost 5 am tho will play more with it in a bit :)

EDIT2: ok so after correctly setting mode 1 second select screen.. that loads the correct pnameanim2.. sadly so does the 1st select screen it loads pnameanim2 not 1... nothing on mode 2 yet tho...
mode 1 issue was my fault as i didnt set a level in between the select screens, i had them back to back and i believe you said that was a nono so i changed that...

EDIT3: apologies i clearly need to learn to take breaks smfh...
ok pname anim3 loads on second mode as it should.. had a bad animation setting my bad so mode 2/pnameanim3 is settled for now, will need to add a 3rd select screen at some point as i get that far, technically mode 2 1st select screen should be mode 1 second select screen xD

so now for 1st mode... on 1st screen still loads pnameanim2, and on 2nd select screen it also plays pnameanim2... will keep messing with it progress tho xD
Last edited:
soafter hours of messing with it smfh... it needed a setting to set it to 0 if it was on 2 which seems to be the issue..been testing and so far so good..tested even when loading before the second select screen in mode 1 and all good... now i have to try and add a 3rd select screen... :)
if folks wouldnt mind checking so far all works and no log issues.
void main(){
  if(openborvariant("in_menuscreen") || openborvariant("in_titlescreen")){
    setglobalvar("selanim", 0);
  } else if(openborvariant("in_selectscreen")){
    void SelAnim = getglobalvar("selanim"); // Read select screen animated state to check

    if(SelAnim!=1){ // Check to avoid double spawn
      int Set = openborvariant("current_set"); //Get set number
      int Stage = openborvariant("current_level"); //Get stage number
      void Screen, subent;

      // Set Stage to 0 if it is 2
      if (Stage == 2) {
          Stage = 0;  }

      void Screen, subent;

      if(Set>=1){ // second & other modes
        Screen = "pnameanim3";
      } else if(Stage>=1){ // second & subsequent select screens in first mode
        Screen = "pnameanim2";
      } else { // first select screen in first mode
        Screen = "pnameanim";

      clearspawnentry(); // clean the spawn entry
      setspawnentry("name", Screen); // define the entity to be spawned
      setspawnentry("coords", 0,0,-1); // set the position of the entity

      subent=spawn();  //  spawn the entity
      changeentityproperty(subent, "direction", 1); // Fix facing direction
      setglobalvar("selanim",1); // set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made
ok think i am set for now.. added what is now a total of 6 select screens .. 2 for
the 1st game mode and 2 for the unlocked second game mode. and a 3rd game mode. for just in case xD
order of play:
first game mode
pnameanim is 1st select screen
pnameanim2 is 2nd select screen

for second game mode
pnameanim3 is 1st select screen
pnameanim4 is 2nd select screen

for 3rd game mode
pnameanim5 is 1st select screen
pnameanim6 is 2nd select screen

call them in each animation using: @cmd changeentityproperty getlocalvar("self") "direction" 1
also add this to level.c script
void main()
  setglobalvar("selanim", NULL());

make sure theyre set to load not know in models

load pnameanim data/chars/misc/pnameanim.txt
load pnameanim2 data/chars/misc/pnameanim2.txt
load pnameanim3 data/chars/misc/pnameanim3.txt
load pnameanim4 data/chars/misc/pnameanim4.txt
load pnameanim5 data/chars/misc/pnameanim5.txt
load pnameanim6 data/chars/misc/pnameanim6.txt

and in update.c
void main() {
    if(openborvariant("in_menuscreen") || openborvariant("in_titlescreen")) {
        setglobalvar("selanim", 0);
    } else if(openborvariant("in_selectscreen")) {
        void SelAnim = getglobalvar("selanim"); // Read select screen animated state to check

        if(SelAnim != 1) { // Check to avoid double spawn
            int Set = openborvariant("current_set"); // Get set number
            int Stage = openborvariant("current_level"); // Get stage number
            void Screen, subent;

            // Set Stage to 0 if it is 2
            if (Stage == 2) {
                Stage = 0;

            if(Set >= 2) { // Third mode
                if(Stage >= 1) { // Second select screen in third mode
                    Screen = "pnameanim6";
                } else { // First select screen in third mode
                    Screen = "pnameanim5";
            } else if(Set == 1) { // Second mode
                if(Stage >= 1) { // Second select screen in second mode
                    Screen = "pnameanim4";
                } else { // First select screen in second mode
                    Screen = "pnameanim3";
            } else { // First mode
                if(Stage >= 1) { // Second & subsequent select screens in first mode
                    Screen = "pnameanim2";
                } else { // First select screen in first mode
                    Screen = "pnameanim";

            clearspawnentry(); // Clean the spawn entry
            setspawnentry("name", Screen); // Define the entity to be spawned
            setspawnentry("coords", 0, 0, -1); // Set the position of the entity

            subent = spawn();  // Spawn the entity
            changeentityproperty(subent, "direction", 1); // Fix facing direction
            setglobalvar("selanim", 1); // Set the variable to 1, blocking a new spawn to be made

i take no credit as this is Bloodbanes script, i just added more screens
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