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GI JOE - Attack On Cobra Island

Complete GI JOE 1.0.0

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Project is completed.
hi count, nice to see you again here on chronocrash!  :)

good work on this!

P.S. i can see a proton cannon here!  ;D
Since we're doing a vehicle level vs Red Shadows (the player will be in a VAMP), I figure we need some ground vehicles to fight.  The Roboskull might just be the boss.
So for ground vehicles, I'm making a Shadowtrak sprite. UPDATE: It's done

As for the Roboskull, we'll have to have it fly back and forth using the existing sprite, the side-view is no good, the wings cover the whole thing up.
That's fantastic news. This is my favorite openbor game so far. Are you going to upgrade it for the new version of openbor so we can play it on android devices (paks made for OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3675 will not work on newer versions)?
Yes, we're upgrading it to new versions of OpenBor.  Right now it's running well on OpenBoR v3.0 Build 3671

I have an Android JXD S602 and I just played through the whole game on it without any problems:)

So here's where we are at:
1)  Jason Todd finished the sprites for General Hawk and Sgt Slaughter.  The characters are finished and added to the game.  The old Hawk has been re-named as Clutch.  (The other option is to call him Grunt). 

2)  The Red Shadows mission is mostly done.  The vehicle level and Baron Ironblood levels are finished, we just have the outside the base level to go.

3)  Prime Op finished some more awesome sprites, so we have added some cool background characters, like Snowjob and Beach Head to some of the levels




We could release the game as-is -- with 2 new playable characters, one new bonus mission all playable.
Jason Todd had mentioned he was going to re-do Snake Eyes sprites, and also make a playable Flint but I don't know if he's still working on those or not. 

So I guess the question is if we should wait, or plan to release the updated game as-is, and save more playable characters etc for a future update?  What do you guys think?
I never been the ultimate fan of GI JOE, but your work is totally badass!!
Very nice!!

My only "complaints" would be about graphical ajustments.
-The ice mountain in the BG seems too much symetrical IMO.
-I still feel vehicles flat by this angle, but I'm sure making them would use too much time. so focus on the important things ! :D

I can't wait to see more!
another amazing project. maybe you can do an add on thing or just a bunch of short mods that complement this project.
i'm back  ;)
and the old hawk soldier sprites should be named "grunt", makes more sense drom his ddp's comics look.
i will finish the updated snake eyes sprites tonight and send them to you guys, here you can see the big difference with the old ones on the left and new one.
PS: the palette is just for helping me , i'm gonna make two palettes for each chars, comics and anime.

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