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Night Slashers: Remake

I am really trying to understand WHAT HAD HAPPENED HERE
its the dreaded equivalent of using Subject_to_screen on openbor, only worse even.....

since in this instance it makes the enemies bounce off the edges of the screen as if they where bouncing of walls.
noticed it way back on one of the demo videos

I dislike this - even on some fighting games like SF2 since it really makes no sense and the only fix for them was to implement zoom outs like in Killer instinct "/Gold and smash brothers.

the enemy ai on the demo is such a mess (kind of like my "Low IQ" zombies) that it seems they had no choice but to limit the enemies to the screen only, altho i will have to check if enemies also had this on the original, because i remember that at the very least , the "running throw" would make zombies hit the edge of the screen and bounce off non existant walls.

for openbor i wish that instead of having a subject to screen we could easily arrange buffer zones and have those buffer zones change the enemy AI behavior temporarily....
second issue , this game seems to have added a thing where a tossed enemy damages other enemies, but instead of the enemy just knocking down the rest, at the moment of contact the tossed enemy bounces off the enemy with as much "force" as when it was tossed, making some kind of rubber ball effect, made only worse by the bounce it gets additionally from the edge of screen "forcefield"
LOL zombies not only look rubbery, they are made of rubber it seems

don't get me wrong , I like this weird collision mechanic, its sort of like the automatic ragdoll effect on some game engines, but there has to be some degree of realistic push and bounce, where a flying or tossed enemy damages the rest, and you see a little bit of bounce back or none depending on the "weight" of the flying body
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I hope this "revamping old - ahem - *classic* games in this fashion won't become a trend.
Suddenly a chill went down my spine...:eek:
another one of the "positives"

the game actually features scaling.
here is side by side comparison of HOng far away and closer.

it is very subtle...

I wonder if there is any way to test the demo without using Steam, i would like to see if an stereoscopic driver could actually run this thing on 3D
I didn't even make it to the stage 2 boss 🤢🤮
You guys actually played it, I won't bother.
I didn't like the original much due all the bugs.
The Openbor versions are worthwhile though.
I'll wait for what you cooking.
It's more grounded and the slams look crazy.
Since it is a night slasher, the atmosphere should have been rougher and heavier, but it feels like watching a neat hot dog.
Name please the game, are there any sprites?
its a game about cops, cant remember what it is tho, and life of finale actually uses the sand floor sprites on an extra level.

You guys actually played it, I won't bother.
Worst part, i knew that forever entertainment was going to mess up massively.
about a year ago or more i had looked into beathtemups they where involved with, and all i found where Flash style cartoony games.
The only little bit of hope i had was the fact that the House of the dead remake of theirs was not so bad looking, and here was hoping that modeling those backgrounds and zombies would actually somehow influence the NS remake.

well turns out house of the dead for the switch has a major flaw, and a while later after the first reveal, my worst fears about NS where confirmed.

it could have been much worse, a chibi style scott pilgrimmed mess like all the other stuff i saw

Here is a hopeful tought.

whatever the final state of the game, after its is released, sold , and quickly forgotten, modders and hackers can fix the flaws, hopefully expand it, fix the graphics, take a page from Bonus JZ, Life of finale, Danno, the music and features of 23A, and beyond and make it a better game - hell hopefully it's engine is 3D (actually features a z buffer at least) and can actually be enhanced with stereoscopic shaders or drivers, VR compatible... the works.

Thats the only salvation i see for this game
Name please the game, are there any sprites?

It's Undercover Cops, I believe the image refers to the arcade version. BTW, there's SNES version which only supports one player but has more moves including super move for each character.
modders and hackers can fix the flaws

I already had a look and It won't be something I would touch, the art style is terrible, if anything I would redraw what I already have repainted and upscale it but that's years of work I'm just not willing to do without financial support.
I already had a look and It won't be something I would touch, the art style is terrible, if anything I would redraw what I already have repainted and upscale it but that's years of work I'm just not willing to do without financial support.
sadly , this remake has come out at a very bad time - had it been at around the 2016's for sure i would have thrown money at a revamp project for it.
financials where good back then :cry:
(there is the slight problem that most of the resources and inspirations for the enhancements that were made to the JZ version only came around after 2018)
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New trailer and it is releasing this month September 26th. But there is a new character in this ''remake''. Can you guess who is this mysterious fighter?

Hint: The character is from a certain fighting game
Well they're selling for it a mere $10US so I guess its not a total cop out but alas they didn't fix anything with this ''remake''

New trailer and it is releasing this month September 26th. But there is a new character in this ''remake''. Can you guess who is this mysterious fighter?

Hint: The character is from a certain fighting game

It's not exactly a mystery to anyone with even passing knowledge of gaming history (pun intended). IMO, putting a poorly drawn mid-card character from a crappy fighting game into an even crappier cash grab remake is not what I'd call exciting news... but ehh, I'm sure some people will buy in.

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